Gardenscape Transport ServicesGardenscape Transport Offers For Hire Transport Services in 48 States and CanadaGardenscape Transport not only delivers lawn and garden products for it’s sister company Gardenscape, but is also a for hire transportation company. Gardenscape Transport is able to deliver products in 48 states and Canada. Our dispatchers use multiple electronic load boards to look for loads available for delivery. We have 75 company owned newer model Peterbilt trucks and trailers including vans, flatbeds, walking floors, dump trailers and drop decks. We have recently begun to purchase aluminum trailers so we can haul heavier loads. Some of our trailers are equipped with a forklift for customers that don’t have the means to unload their deliveries. If you need a load delivered you can contact one of our Dispatchers at 800-255-1653. **We do not deliver hazardous materials.
Gardenscape Transport Peterbuilt semi truck availble for hauling. Contact Us: Box 184 Eau Claire, PA 16030 |
Copyright 2006 Gardenscape Transport | PH: 800-255-1653 |